Long time no write and so much to tell, for not many entries in a single I leave several experiences during this time.
:: Event Lertxundi 2011 to 20 February::
impromptu Lertxundi all that we look down the road, the mountains, the ciclocros and encouraging and accompanying various locations. First a march
cyclist in the area, we were lucky with time to enjoy a good morning on the bike prior to the meal we had short pot session that if, one day to get to know and enjoy. We have to acknowledge the effort and Agueda Josemi for organizing the event and prepare a delicious beans with sacraments. Here you have a picture together, missing or holding the camera who will?
: Bilbao, Bilbao from 2011 to 1920 March:: Another year
attended Lertxundi Troop, I can not comment much on a personal level this year did not attend the march, but everything comes our ears, no accidents, some leg cramps and troops breaking pace on the climb to Morga, is the first cyclist calendar and it shows. For the curious Igor has shared a video on facebook of the march, 6 minutes to enjoy.
: Castro-Castro from 2011 to 1910 April::
Here if we like to repeat, progress and especially the paella. As regards the march cloudy and drizzly, the output a bit wild, scattered by the bunch, we were putting together some on the first climb of the day without rushing, I faster because I can not: p. The supplies we met all but Iker and Jose, the first having a bad day off the hook stayed behind and was just a good stretch and that made him suffer more from the account, and Jose prefer to take your pace, but slowly but surely . After refueling we headed for the steep climb of the day top of the Written here I took down the group went ahead in the beginning of the fall I joined Michael and after join us and Gaizka Igor Igor took a tumble on the descent, the day was sad to be light rain that made the pavement slippery slope after we regroup, Josemi and Edu went ahead, Igor had another fall on a roundabout, took some serious scrapes, from here to address Castro calmer, the wind in this part did not help much, so get in a group helps. On the last stretch Michael and I and did we drop the last kilometers quieter note the lack of miles in our legs. Upon arrival at Castro where we hoped our families went together to enjoy the paella, this year on a lot, we will review for the next and better align the numbers.
: Erandio-Erandio - April 16: Here we were Iñigo
, Miguel and the undersigned (Sergio), a sunny day with good temperature, we arrived just in time to exit here I owe an apology to Fernando we could not be together, we neutralized the march peaceful, as always this march is fast and not having many registered compared to other right away to give you the sensation of a few cyclists. We were together until I get there Bakio off from the rest and we got back together in the food supply, could cross paths with our friends from Funi. From the supplies and even begin the climb to the top of Morga together, there again I took down the group until the end alone. We arrived all safe and sound, I personally pretty shitty leg but ended smoothly.
: Jaw - April 21::
is not a march, for now, everything will come. A bad news particularly for Iker. We left on 21 Holy Thursday to give a bike ride with Iñigo, Iker testing my bike. In the fall of the nursery to Lezama before reaching the village, a bad maneuver Iker led him to the ground, the decline has resulted in a broken jaw in two places, 6 to 7 weeks with the mouth closed, but after rehabilitation . You know we all want your speedy recovery, Iker much encouragement from this little corner of the web.
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