Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Baby Coughing With Phlegm

You can smell incense and orange blossom

In today's post we wanted to explain a bit on that is one of the most important celebrations of the city, the Holy Week.

Procession of Hope of Triana, on the Altozano during Holy Week 1915.

The Easter of Sevilla is your celebration of the passion and death of Christ through processions carried out by the brotherhoods to the Cathedral, during that week. Besides the religious aspects, Holy Week in Seville is a sociocultural phenomenon, tourism and economic importance in the city, has been declared of international tourist interest, constituting a major spring festivals in Seville by the Fair April.
The processions begin officially on Sunday Palm coming up next Sunday (Easter Sunday ) procession each day images depicting the Passion and death of Christ adding a whole (week) 60 sororities (in addition to vespers) .

Below we enumerate a set of terms common brotherhood in Seville Holy Week:

The Bulla

this term is known to the crowds that accumulates in all parts of the city when the next arrival of the fraternity, is that the crowding of people is almost impossible to cross the "plug" that forms when everyone is waiting for the procession marching elapses sometimes resembles the movement of waves when they are put in place all the same time, it is impossible to get off of your trail and get carried away by the group. The noise is shaped and rolled one, so that should not be overwhelmed. The secret is, simply, never go in against and being dragged.

The Cofrade

is the term with which it calls the big fan of Easter, loving the world of fraternities and knowledgeable about every tiny detail of everything that concerns every ceremony, from the dealer of the image of Christ or the Virgin to each liturgy, no need to use semanasantero program. Call it also exists for the term "chapel," which you use has a derogatory tinge.

The blanket is the costume worn by the women on Holy Thursday, the eve of the Lord's death and so to honor her figure to visit the churches and go to the Holy Office. It is a suit of mourning for the death of Christ. Friday afternoon you can also see some ladies with this outfit.

The Nazarenes are siblings who accompany steps during the course of the "Season of Penitence." Every Fraternity has established in its founding rules your wardrobe features in terms of robes, shoes, badges and accessories, and each brother Nazarene must dress according to these rules with the possible denial by the deputy to stretch out procession if it is something inappropriate. The Nazareth may lead candle, stick, insignia, light or a cross on his shoulder.

The Costaleros

Costalero is the name given in the Easter each of the persons authorized to carry over or load one of the images or steps as part of processions during Holy Week processions.
The bearers carry the weight on his neck, on the seventh vertebra in particular, protect this area with a cloth called costal , which can range from burlap up cross point, the areas suitable for the bearers are loaded weight Trabajadera (several clubs that cut across the passage and are placed at different heights so that each one of them put the bearers of the same height, going from a greater height, unless high, may be known under several Trabajadera step, depending on the size of the step.)

The steps

The center of Easter, consisting of a set or group of images depicting the Passion, which carry the bearers in each guild. Typically, the brotherhoods have two steps , one of Christ (a Nazarene, a crucifix or a "mystery", representing in this case an episode featuring the Passion of Christ) and a canopy with a Virgin, but there are cases in which the Virgin is accompanied by the image of San Juan Evangelista as bitterness, the Gran Poder, El Silencio, but there is one case in which the Virgin is accompanied by San Juan and St. Mary Magdalene, the brotherhood of the Sun there any cases of brotherhood with three steps and also some one just like Santa Marta, The Shroud.

Image To End a Career Officer of the Brotherhoods of Seville:


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