Each year Megas KDD Gipuzkoa rides a year. In 2008, we were surprised for their overall success as one of the best I've been. A very committed organization with extraordinary results. I encourage all of you to go without fail this 4 th edition.
"From the bike 18h reception and delivery of welcome gifts in the restaurant" Iñigo BACKWASH in FICOBA fairgrounds.
-Visit by the Stand, bouncy castles, etc. Water game animation by LUMA LEM. LAGUNAK school-Auto
teach us how is the new motorcycle test and can practice it. We will demonstrate how the sensation of turning in a car. How is the attitude of a drunk? All this teaches us Lagunak.
-LRK will give a demonstration of how you treat a wound. Visit
-photo contest pictures in the gallery FICOBA and choice of photo more beautiful for a special prize. -20.30 H
Irun Tour to COFFEE-21h IRÚN
Dinner at CAFÉ IRÚN
-23h in the club Fiesta COFFEE IRÚN
-0.00 h Stripp-tease men and women by CAFE OFFERS THE CONCRETE IRUN.
-From 8:30 pm reception bikes until 10:30 h. Welcome package delivery and breakfast in the restaurant Iñigo WASH. Coffee and pastry.
-Tour Photos Photo Contest in the gallery FICOBA and choice of photo more beautiful for a special prize. LAGUNAK school-Auto
teach us how is the new motorcycle test and can practice it. We will demonstrate how the sensation of turning in a car. How is the attitude of a drunk? All this teaches us Lagunak. -10.00
h about 100 km route. -14.30 H Lunch
type wedding in charge of restoring Iñigo WASH.
-LRK will give a demonstration of how you treat a wound.
-17h Conciertoy games.
-19h 3 Awards Photo Contest photometric. Leisure
-19.30 h until 20.30 h.
-From 20h to 22h dinner on the grounds of the concentration . Dinner made at the time: Hamburger with potato and water. Concert
-23h. "Towards
1.00 h in the morning for anyone who wants to continue the party, go into the club" IRÚN COFFEE "with live music.
-visit to the photo contest photos in the gallery FICOBA and choosing the most beautiful picture for a special prize.
-Breakfast, coffee and pastry.
-11h Departure from Irun FICOBA making route. Awards
-concentration and a special prize for the photo voted on the merger.
-12h Live Radio Program "Route 66" COPE. Photos
-14h and final concentration.
Gipuzkoa Megas * The club reserves the right to make any changes to the program.